Creating General Actions

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Create a general action, i.e. an action that is not associated with any content.

Note: Only action managers, action creators and administrators can create general actions.


1.Click the Actions link on the navigation bar.

2.Click Add new action.

3.In the Add new action form, complete the following fields:

Action details. This includes the subject, owner, category (if applicable), start date, priority and due date.

Assignees. Assignees are the users that you want to undertake the action. In the Assignees field, start typing the user's name or the name of the user group. User or user group matches will appear as you type, so it may not be necessary to enter the full name. When you see the user or user group that you want to add, click it to add it to the list of assignees.

Only one assignee is required to complete this action. If this option is enabled then the action will only require one of the assignees to complete the action before it can be closed.

Editors. You can provide editing rights to selected users or user groups. In the Editors field, start typing the user's name or the name of the user group. User or user group matches will appear as you type, so it may not be necessary to enter the full name. When you see the user or user group that you want to add, click it to add it to the list of editors.

Viewers. By default, administrators, authors and all contributors with the Action Module will be able to view the action. If you want to add additional users or user groups, click in the Viewers field and start typing the user's name or the name of the user group. User or user group matches will appear as you type, so it may not be necessary to enter the full name. When you see the user or user group that you want to add, click it to add it to the list of viewers. To remove a user or user group click x.

Note: To provide assignees with as much information as possible you can enter some notes about the action. For example the reason for the action or any other information that assignees will find helpful when undertaking the action.

Additional Information. Additional fields may be available which allow you to provide additional information about the action. Some fields may be optional but it is good practice to provide as much information to assignees as you can.

4.Click OK to create the action.

5.The assignees will be notified and the action will appear in their To-Dos.