Macro (SVB) Programs Example - Graph Function Library

Included in the Examples - Macro - Graph Examples directory of Statistica is a graph function library file named GraphLib.svx. This library contains a powerful array of functions for customizing 2D and 3D graphs. To include this library file into a new macro application, simply use the '#USES directive in the declaration section of the macro along with the fully qualified file path to GraphLib.svx. For example, if GraphLib.svx is located on your computer at "C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica 13\Examples\Macros\Graph Examples\GraphLib.svx", your new macro should look like this:

'#USES "C:\Program Files\Statistica\Statistica 130\Examples\Macros\Graph Examples\GraphLib.svx"

Sub Main

End Sub

GraphLib.svx contains the following functions:
Name Parameters Description
SetGraphOuterBkgroundColor g As Graph, Color As Long Sets the outer background color of the specified graph.
SetGraphInnerBkgroundColor g As Graph, Color As Long Sets the inner background color of the specified graph.
SetGraphTitle g As Graph, MyTitle As String, FontName As String, FontSize As Integer Sets the title color of the specified graph. The parameters FontName and FontSize default to Arial and 10, respectively.
SetGraphGridLinesVisible g As Graph, MakeVisible As Boolean Toggles the visibility of the specified graph's gridlines. The MakeVisible parameter defaults to True.
SetGraphAxisStepSize g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, StepSize As Double Sets the step size of the specified axis of the specified graph.
SetGraphAxisFormat g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, Format As String Sets the axis format of the specified axis of the specified graph.
SetGraphAxisScaleRange g As Graph WhichAxis As AxisType, xmin As Double, xmax As Double, xstep As Double Sets the axis scaling of the specified axis of the specified graph.  If the xstep parameter is left blank, then the current axis step size will persist.
SetGraphAxisScaleOrientation g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, WhichOrientation As AxisScalingStyle Sets the axis scale orientation of the specified axis of the specified graph.
SetGraphTickmarkOrientation g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, TickOrientation As TickMarkOrientation  Sets the tick mark style of the major units of the specified axis of the specified graph.
SetGraphAxisLayout g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, AxisPos As AxisLayout Sets the axis layout of the specified axis of the specified graph.
SetGraphAxisLineColor g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, Color As Long Sets the line color of the specified axis of the specified graph.
SetGraphAllAxesLineColor g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, Color As Long Sets the same line color to all axes of the specified graph.
AddCustomScaleValue g As Graph, WhichAxis As AxisType, ScaleValue As Double, ScaleLabel As String, DisplayValue As Boolean, DisplayGrid As Boolean, DisplayTickMark As Boolean Adds a custom axis label to the specified axis of the specified graph. The parameters DisplayValue, DisplayGrid, and DisplayTickMark all default to False.
SetGraphPointLabelsVisible g As Graph, WhichPlot As Integer, MakeVisible As Boolean Toggles the visibility of the specified plot's point labels. The MakeVisible parameter defaults to True.
SetGraphPointLabelsType g As Graph, WhichPlot As Integer, PointLabel As PointLabelType Sets the point labels type of the specified plot.
AddGraphCustomText g As Graph, TextString As String, x As Double, y As Double, FontName As String, FontSize As Long Adds a custom text object to the specified graph. The parameters FontName and FontSize default to Arial and 10, respectively. Also, the x and y coordinate parameters are (0,0) by default.
EmbedGraphFile GraphFilePath As String, TargetGraph As Graph Embeds the specified graph file into the specified graph.
SetGraphWindowSize g As Graph, GraphWidth As Double, GraphHeight As Double Sets the window size of the specified graph.
GraphZoom g As Graph, XMin As Double, XMax As Double, YMin As Double, YMax As Double Zooms into the specified graph.
GraphSpin g As Graph, XCoordinate As Double, YCoordinate As Double, ZCoordinate As Double Spins of the specified graph. Note that this only applies to 3D graphs.
IsGraph2D g As Graph Verifies if the specified graph is 2 dimensional.
IsGraph3D g As Graph Verifies if the specified graph is 3 dimensional.
SetGraphCoordinateSystem g As Graph, CoSys As AxisCoordinateSystem Sets the coordinate system of the specified graph.
AddGraph2DFunction g As Graph, Function2DText As String Adds a 2D function to the specified graph.
RemoveAllGraphFunctions g As Graph Removes all functions from the specified graph.
AddGraphFitLine g As Graph, WhichPlot As Long, FitLine As FitLineType Adds a fit line to the specified graph.
SetGraphFitLineColor g As Graph, WhichPlot As Long, WhichFitLine As Long, Color As Long Sets the color of the specified plot's fit line of the specified graph.
SetGraphFitLineWidth g As Graph, WhichPlot As Long, WhichFitLine As Long, LineWidth As Double Sets the width of the specified plot's fit line of the specified graph.
SetGraphFont g As Graph, FontSize As Double FontFaceName As String, Color As Long Sets the font for all titles, legends, axes, and point labels of the specified graph. The parameters FontName and FontSize default to Arial and 10, respectively. Also, the parameter Color defaults to black.
SetGraphAreaColor g As Graph, WhichPlot As Integer, ForeColor As Long, BackColor As Long Sets the foreground and background colors of the plot's of the specified.
Note: there are numerous enumerations that can be used as arguments for these functions. Below are the enumerations that pertain to the parameters of these graph functions:Statistica  
Enumeration name Values that may be passed as arguments for the enumeration
AxisType scgX scgY scgTopAxis scgLYAxis

scgRYAxis scgV scgZ

TickMarkOrientation Inside Outside Crossed
PointLabelType XValue YValue TextLabels
ScaleOrientation Auto Parallel Perpendicular Alternate
AxisLayout StandardLayout ReversedLayout
AxisCoordinateSystem StandardSystem PolarSystem
FitLineType Linear2D Polynomial2D Logarithmic2D Exponential2D DistWeightedLS2D NegExpWeightedLS2D Spline2D Lowess2D HistogramNormal HistogramBeta HistogramExponential HistogramExtreme HistogramGamma HistogramGeometric HistogramLaplace HistogramLogistic HistogramLognormal HistogramPoisson HistogramRayleigh HistogramWeibull Linear3D Quadratic3D DistWeightedLS3D NegExpWeightedLS3D Spline3D TernaryLinear TernaryQuadratic TernaryFullCubic TernarySpecialCubic