Macro (SVB) Programs Example - Basic Spreadsheet Manipulation

This example application shows how to do some basic spreadsheet manipulation such as adding and deleting variables. Open the adstudy.sta data file:

Ribbon bar. Select the Home tab. In the File group, from the Open menu, select Open Examples to display the Open a Statistica Data File dialog. Double-click the Datasets folder, and then open the data set.

Classic menus. Open the data file by selecting Open Examples from the File menu to display the Open a Statistica Data File dialog. The data file is located in the Datasets folder.

Sub Main
'create a new spreadsheet variable to be used to refer  'to the Adstudy.sta spreadsheet
Dim ss As Spreadsheet
'ActiveDataSet is the spreadsheet that is currently open  'we use "Set" because a spreadsheet is an object
Set ss = ActiveDataSet
'Note: in Statistica the rows of a spreadsheet are referred to  'as cases, the columns are referred to as variables  'loop through all cases in the GENDER variable,  'change MALE to WHALE
Dim i As Long
For i = 1 To ss.NumberOfCases
'for text fields, use ss.Text() when retrieving the contents of a  'cell, and use ss.Value() when setting the contents of a cell
If ss.Text(i,1) = "MALE" Then
ss.Value(i,1) = "WHALE"
End If
Next i
'loop through all cases in the MEASURE01 variable (column)  'and double them
Dim currVal As Double
For i = 1 To ss.NumberOfCases
for numerical fields, use ss.Value() when retrieving or  'setting the contents of a cell
currVal = ss.Value(i,3)  currVal = currVal * 2  ss.Value(i,3) = currVal
Next i
'delete all variables (columns) in the spreadsheet to the right  'of the MEASURE01 variable
'add another variable (column) to the spreadsheet
'fill in the new variable (column) with random numbers  'between 0 and 10,  'leave every 10th value blank
For i = 1 To ss.NumberOfCases
If(i Mod 10) <> 0 Then
ss.Value(i,4) = 10*Rnd()
End If
Next i
'look for missing values in the new variable (column)
For i = 1 To ss.NumberOfCases
If ss.MissingData(i,4) Then
MsgBox "Missing case " & CStr(i)
End If
Next i
'find the mean and standard deviation of the data in the new variable (column)
Dim ave As Variant  Dim sd As Variant
ss.Variable(4).ColumnStats(scMeans,ave)  ss.Variable(4).ColumnStats(scStdDev,sd)
MsgBox "Mean = " & ave & vbCrLf & "Std. Dev. = " & sd
End Sub