Additional Product-Specific Limitations for ibi™ iWay Cloud, ibi™ Omni-Gen Cloud, and ibi™ WebFOCUS Cloud Offerings

Downloadable Components for Cloud Customers 

Customers who obtain licenses to the following cloud offerings may download, via the TIBCO eDelivery site, required on-premises components as indicated below, for use solely with the licensed cloud offering in accordance with the product documentation:

  • ibi™ Omni-Gen® DQ Cloud, ibi Omni-Gen® MDM Cloud, ibi™ Omni-HealthData® Cloud, and ibi™ Omni-Insurance® Cloud. Includes the ibi™ DQ Server on-premises component solely for use with the licensed cloud offering.

  • ibi™ WebFOCUS® Cloud. Includes the ibi™ WebFOCUS® App Studio on-premises component solely for use with the licensed cloud offering.

  • ibi™ iWay® Service Manager Cloud. Includes the ibi™ iWay® Service Manager Integration Tools on-premises component of ibi™ iWay® Service Manager on-premises software solely for use with the licensed cloud offering. For the avoidance of doubt, your license for ibi™ iWay Service Manager Cloud does not grant you the right to use any portion of the ibi™ iWay Service Manager on-premises software other than the ibi™ iWay Service Manager Tools component.

Please note that most add-ons (for example, ibi™ WebFOCUS® Cloud - Infographics Add-on) to these cloud offerings do not require additional download of any on-premises software. ibi™ iWay Service Manager Cloud EDI Add-On, however, does require additional download of on-premises software.