Adding an Esri Proxy URL

All of the configured proxy URLs for retrieving data from Esri are stored in the file esri-arcgis-rest.xml, which is located under your WebFOCUS configuration directory. For example, the default configuration directory on Windows is, C:\ibi\WebFOCUSxx\config, where xx is your release of WebFOCUS (for example, 82). The file contains configuration properties followed by a list of Esri proxy URLs, which start with the characters <ESRI_URL.

To add a new proxy URL, add a new <ESRI URL line to the <WF_ESRI_ARCGIS_PROXY> list in the esri-arcgis-rest.xml file. We recommend that you add the proxy URL prior to using the URL to define a new geographic role.

The syntax for a public proxy URL is:

<ESRI_URL URL="public_proxy_url" DESCRIPTION="Public access data" />


Is your public proxy URL.

The syntax for a restricted proxy URL is:

<ESRI_URL PROFILE_ID="default" URL="restricted_proxy_url" DESCRIPTION="Restricted access data" />


Is your restricted proxy URL.