Accessing Features With the Ribbon

In this section:

The WebFOCUS App Studio ribbon replaces traditional toolbars with a single command bar that organizes commands and controls into a series of static and contextual tabs. From the ribbon, you can also access the Style menu and the Help menu.

The default ribbon is shown in the following image.


Each tab on the ribbon, whether static or contextual, contains commands and controls that are organized into groups, according to their function or relationship. All tabs are named and all groups are labeled. Icons are used to represent the commands or controls in each group. By default, all icons are labeled. There are a few styling icons in the Style group that are not labeled. Rest your pointer over an icon to view the tooltip that identifies it. An example of this is shown in the following image.

In addition to single-click commands, some commands on the ribbon contain a submenu of options that opens when you click the arrow associated with the command. These arrows can appear below or next to a label. An example of this are the Data and Form commands, which opens a submenu of options, as shown in the following image.

Note: There is no default ribbon size. As your monitor or application window size changes, the commands and controls on the ribbon resize themselves to fit the available space. Large monitors or application windows will display larger icons and entire groups. Smaller monitors or application windows may display groups as a single, labeled icon that opens a submenu.

Building an Application Using the Home Tab

In this section:

The Home tab enables you to access the features and functions necessary to build an application, create new components, open existing components, run existing components, and edit components. The Home tab contains the Data, Content, Configure, and View groups. The Home tab is always available and is static. It is located in the upper-left corner of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface, below the Quick Access Toolbar, as shown in the following image.

Note: The Home tab is the only static tab in App Studio.

Managing Data Using the Data Group

In this section:

The Data group includes tools that you can use to connect to data, upload data, edit metadata, and manage data access. The Data group is shown in the following image.

The commands in the Data group are:


Contains the following options:

  • Passwords. The Password dialog box opens. You can enter the password for the data source you have selected in your Environments Tree panel.
  • Rebuild a Connection. The Rebuild dialog box opens. You can rebuild a disorganized file, index a specific field from a file, or check the integrity of a file.
  • Command Console. Opens a command tab for editing and enables you to send commands directly to a server from WebFOCUS App Studio. For more information on creating, viewing, and editing source syntax, see Creating, Viewing, and Editing Source Syntax in WebFOCUS App Studio.

Sending Commands to the Server Using the Command Console

In this section:

The Command Console enables you to send commands directly to a server from WebFOCUS App Studio. This benefits users who have worked with Information Builders products and are already familiar with the command syntax.

The Command Console sends output to your web browser or WebFOCUS App Studio Viewer. Output can include error messages, responses to query commands, and report output. The Command Console can also serve as a troubleshooting and debugging tool.

The following are a set of rules that you should follow when entering commands in the command console.

  • The Console is case sensitive. Therefore, you must enter text in the case required for processing. For example, keywords must be entered in uppercase characters.
  • The Command Console is not interactive. Therefore, you must enter all required commands in sequence and execute them as an entire process. For example, you must enter all steps required to execute the WebFOCUS REBUILD command. The Console does not prompt you for information.
  • You can copy or cut text from the Command Console or an outside window, and paste it in the Command Console.
  • You can drag command syntax within the Command Console.

The following groups are available in the Command Console Ribbon tab.

Listing the Available Paths Using the Execution Path Group

The Execution Path group contains a list of paths that are available for you to use when you execute commands. The Execution Path group is shown in the following image.

The command is:

Execution Path List

Contains a list of available paths for you to execute commands.

The list of available execution paths is determined by the selected nodes in the Environments Tree panel. When you open WebFOCUS App Studio for the first time, you must expand and select a node from the Environments Tree panel to populate the Execution Path List.

When you run the content of the console, it will be executed using the selected execution path and the Reporting Server associated with that selected path.

Loading Commands Using the Edit Group

The Edit group allows you to load commands, clear the console, and clear the input stack. The input stack is a series of commands that you enter using the Command console. The Edit group is shown in the following image.

The commands are:


Loads the previous command from the input stack.


Loads the next command from the input stack.

Clear Console

Clears the current commands from the console.

Clear Input Stack

Clears the previously entered commands from saved memory. This option is unavailable if you do not have previously entered commands available for recall.

Auto Clear Console

When selected, automatically clears the console after your commands are executed.

Note: The Command Console tab shares the following groups with the Text Editor tab: Find, Bookmarks, Position, Case/Comment, and Options. For more information on these remaining groups, see Creating, Viewing, and Editing Source Syntax in WebFOCUS App Studio.

Creating an Application Using the Content Group

The Content group contains the components or tools that you can use to create an application. These include: Report, Chart, and HTML/Document. The Content group is shown in the following image.

The commands in the Content group are:


Opens the Report canvas in report mode after you enter a procedure name and select a location for your report from the Report Wizard.

In report mode, you can create and style simple or complex reports, add data to the Report canvas, and style that data creating a graphical representation of the report page. This allows you to view how the report displays at run time.

Using report mode, you can:

  • Display and sort data.
  • Select records.
  • Include totals, subtotals, column calculations, headings, footings, and images.
  • Format columns.
  • Style fonts, colors, and grids.
  • Add drill downs to detailed reports and URLs.
  • Save output in many types of formats for display and reuse.
  • Create HTML Analytic Documents.
  • Perform predictive analysis (an RStat license is required).

Opens the InfoAssist Chart canvas after you enter a procedure name and select a location.

In chart mode, you can easily transform almost any type of data into effective custom charts. You can create a variety of charts, such as bar charts, line charts, scatter charts, or pie charts, to help users analyze data in a different way. You can include selection criteria by defining parameters for your data. Additionally, you can apply drill-down capabilities and conditional styling to highlight specific data on a chart.

The Chart canvas contains a ribbon of features and options that allow you to add and style the data in your chart. Contextual tabs open within the Chart canvas, rather than on the App Studio ribbon.


Opens the HTML/Document Wizard. You can choose the type of page that you want to create from the following options: HTML Page, Guided Report Page, or Document. Depending on your selection, the corresponding canvas will open.

HTML mode provides the features you need to create HTML pages so that end users can interact with your data. You can build and customize an HTML page in the HTML canvas, using the contextual tabs on the ribbon to add objects to the page. HTML mode is fully integrated with JavaScript and cascading style sheets (CSS).

In the HTML canvas, you can:

  • Build an HTML launch page.
  • Add push buttons, hyperlinks, and other controls to launch WebFOCUS reports in your application.
  • Create a launch page for one or more reports that contain parameters.
  • Create a complete HTML page by adding multiple reports and charts.
  • Create an advanced report layout by including images, frames, and other web objects.
  • Modify the location, size, and properties of all objects in your page layout.
  • Set background, font, and other page properties.

In the Document canvas, you can coordinate and distribute layouts made up of multiple reports and charts in a single document. You can position reports and charts anywhere on a single page or combine a series of layouts within a single document. When creating compound reports in the Document canvas, PDF, HTML, HTML and PDF Analytic Documents, PowerPoint, and Excel are available as output formats.

Deploying an RStat Scoring Routine Using the Modeling Group

The Modeling Group is only available when RStat is installed. You can deploy an RStat scoring routine or estimate future values based on selected data.

WebFOCUS RStat is a statistical modeling workbench embedded in WebFOCUS App Studio. It allows you to perform common statistical and data mining tasks, and develop models that can be deployed as scoring applications on every platform. RStat enables data miners and Business Intelligence developers to collaborate with the same tools used to access, manipulate, or transform data, develop predictive models, and create and deploy scoring applications along with associated reports to any worker within their organization. The Modeling group is shown in the following image.

The commands in the Modeling Group are:

Model Deployment

Opens the Model Deployment dialog box. This functionality enables you to deploy existing, stored routines.

You can deploy an RStat scoring routine in any application directory within your app path on any WebFOCUS server. The process of deployment includes compiling the routine and placing the executable file in a location that can be accessed by a WebFOCUS scoring application.

Predictive Modeling

Opens RStat, a statistical modeling workbench that is embedded in WebFOCUS App Studio. When you select the Predictive Modeling command, the RGui window is opened and the R Console and RStat are activated.

You use RStat to derive expected and predicted values from data observations. Decision trees, regression, and the other algorithms are used to generate estimates. For example, you can estimate whether a prospect is a good target for a particular marketing campaign, or you can estimate the expected sales revenues for different stores in order to determine whether store layout and product mix have an impact on sales.

Controlling the Display of the Screen Using the View Group

The View Group enables you to control what displays on your screen. For example, you can choose whether to display or hide the Environments Tree or Help Wizard. The View group is shown in the following image.

Home tab View group

The commands in the View group are:

Environments Tree

Displays or hides the Environments Tree panel, which displays on the left side of the screen and displays environment information.

Environments Detail

Displays or hides the Environments Detail panel.

File/Folder Properties

Displays or hides the File/Folder Properties panel.

Procedure View

Displays or hides the Procedure View panel.

Context Bar

Displays or hides the Context Bar. The Context Bar displays under the ribbon.

Status Bar

Displays or hides the Status Bar. The Status Bar displays along the bottom of the screen.

Help Wizard

Displays or hides the Help Wizard. The Help Wizard content dynamically changes, depending on where you are in the interface.

Customizing the Appearance of the Interface Using the Style Menu

You can customize the appearance of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface from the Style menu. From this menu, you can select a theme with which to customize the WebFOCUS App Studio interface. The themes available to you are determined by the themes that you have installed for Microsoft® Office. The Style menu is always available. It is located in the upper-right corner of the WebFOCUS App Studio interface, as shown in the following image.


Accessing TIBCO App Studio Help Content

You can access the WebFOCUS App Studio Help content, Focal Point Forums, WebFOCUS App Studio licensing information, and other product options from the Help menu. The Help button is always available. It is located in the upper-right corner of the App Studio interface, as shown in the following image.

From the Help menu, you can do the following: