Viewing File and Folder Properties

In this section:

The File/Folder Properties panel shows overview properties of a folder or file selected in the Environments Tree panel. For example, if you highlight a folder in the Environments Tree panel, the File/Folder Properties panel shows information like the name and title of the folder and the date it was last modified. If you highlight a report file in the Environments Tree panel, the File/Folder Properties panel shows things like whether the report is enabled for Auto Link or Auto Drill.

The File/Folder Properties panel is shown in the following image.

File/Folder Properties panel

The options within this panel change according to the type of file or folder you select. You can view the properties of a file or folder in the Data Servers and Workspaces areas of the Configured Environments tree.

Copying Property Values in the File/Folder Properties Panel

You can copy a property value from the File/Folder Properties panel. Right-click a property value and click Copy to copy it to the clipboard. This is particularly useful if you want to capture the full path of an open file.

Editing Properties in the File/Folder Properties Panel

How to:

The following table defines the properties that you can change for each node within the File/Folder Properties panel.

Note: The changes that you make in the File/Folder Properties panel are not reflected in the Configured Environments tree until you click outside of the panel.

Data Servers


Editable Panel Properties


  • Title. Changes the title of the Data Server node in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Server Path. Indicates the fully-qualified path to the server.

Primary Folder

  • Title. Changes the title of the primary folder in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Server Path. Indicates the fully-qualified path to the server.


  • Name. Changes the name of the selected subfolder in the Configured Environments tree.


  • Name. Changes the name of the selected file in the Configured Environments tree.



Editable Panel Properties


  • Title. Changes the title of the domain node in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Server Path. Indicates the fully-qualified path to the server.


  • Name. Changes the name of the folder in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Title. Changes the title of the folder in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Summary. Adds summary information to the folder properties.
  • Sort Order. Specifies the order in which to list the folder or item in the tree.
  • Auto Create My Content Folders. This value is set to Yes, by default, to create a My Content folder for saving personal reports, charts, or documents. You can optionally set this to No to disable this functionality.
  • Automatically Open. This value is set to No, by default. If Yes is selected, this folder will automatically be open in the next session of App Studio.
  • Source Control Status. Displays whether or not Source Control is set.
  • Server. This value defaults to the server that is currently in use. You can use the drop-down list to affiliate a different server with the folder.
  • Application Paths. This value defaults to the application path indicated for the selected folder. You can modify this value as needed.


  • Name. Changes the name of the file in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Title. Changes the title of the file in the Configured Environments tree.
  • Summary. Adds summary information to the folder properties.
  • Sort Order. Specifies the order in which to list the file in the tree.
  • Prompt for parameters. This value is set to Yes, by default. If No is selected, you will not be prompted for parameters.
  • Run with OLAP. This value is set to No, by default. If Yes is selected, you can run the report or procedure with OLAP.
  • Only run as deferred report. This value is set to No, by default. If you select Yes, the report or procedure will run only as a deferred report.
  • Use Title for Deferred Report Description. This value is set to No, by default. If you select Yes, the title is used instead of the name, as the description for a deferred report.
  • Schedule only. This value is set to No, by default. If Yes is selected, you will only be able to schedule the report or procedure.
  • Enable Auto Linking. This value is set to No, by default. If Yes is selected, Auto Linking enables you to develop and maintain numerous referenceable reports and charts that can be linked together.
  • Auto Link Target. Indicates whether the file is set as a target for an Auto Link drill down. This value is set to No, by default.


  • Enable Auto Drill. This value is set to No, by default. If Yes is selected, Auto Drill allows you to navigate through different levels within the dimension hierarchy of your data source.
  • Source Control Status. Displays whether or not Source Control is set.
  • Server. This value defaults to the server that is currently in use. You can use the drop-down list to affiliate a different server with the file.
  • Application Paths. This value defaults to the application path indicated for the selected file. You can modify this value as needed.

Procedure: How to Enter Titles and Summaries in Multiple Languages

In WebFOCUS App Studio, you can dynamically switch to another language to display screen text in that language. Available languages are determined by your settings in the WebFOCUS Administration Console.

In addition, you can enter your file and folder titles and summaries in multiple languages using the Language Properties title and summary dialog boxes. So, when you dynamically switch languages, the titles and summaries automatically appear in the selected language. This can help streamline your collaborative, multi-language development work.

Note: In order to enable the Language Properties dialog box, you must select the Enable Dynamic Language check box in the Dynamic Language Switch area of the Configuration tab in the WebFOCUS Administration Console. For more information, see the WebFOCUS Security and Administration manual.

  1. In the Configured Environments tree, right-click a file or folder and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

    The File/Folder Properties panel opens. The Title property value is the same as the Name value, by default. The Summary property value is blank, by default.

  2. Click in the Title property field to edit the title.

    An ellipsis button appears on the right side in the Title property field.

  3. Click the ellipsis button.

    The Language Properties dialog box for titles opens.

    The Default column is where you specify the title that displays unless it is explicitly overridden by another language title.

    The Language column displays the languages that are enabled in your installation of WebFOCUS App Studio.

  4. Enter titles as needed in the Title column and click OK.

    The Language Properties dialog box closes. The titles are saved.

  5. Click in the Summary property field to edit the summary. Repeat the steps above to enter and save the summary language text.

Application Paths Dialog Box

You can add, remove, or reorder the associated application paths in the Application Paths dialog box.

Open the Application Paths dialog box by clicking the ellipsis button next to the Associated Paths information. The Application Paths dialog box displays a list of applications that you can associate with your domain and a list of applications that are currently associated with your domain.

Adding or Removing Applications

To add an application to the domain, click the name of the application in the Available list, and then click the right arrow to add the application to the Selected list. Click OK to view your changes in the File/Folder Properties panel.

To remove an application from the domain, click the name of the application in the Selected list, and then click the left arrow. Click OK to view your changes in the File/Folder Properties panel.

Reordering Applications

To reorder an application in the Available list, click the name of the Application and then click up or down. Click OK to view your changes in the File/Folder Properties panel.