How to:

You can change parameters that control output, work areas, and other features in your Reporting Server environment by using the SET command from an App Studio procedure (not a Maintain Data procedure).

This command is outside the Maintain Data language, but is described here for your convenience, since many of these settings affect how Maintain Data behaves.

However, you can change a limited number of SET parameters from within a Maintain Data procedure using SYSMGR.FOCSET. For more information, see SYS_MGR.FOCSET.

For a list of SET parameters, see Customizing Your Environment in the Developing Reporting Applications manual.

Syntax: How to Use SET Parameters

The syntax is

SET parameter = option[, parameter = option,...]



Is the setting to change.


Is one of a number of options available for each parameter.

You can set several parameters in one command by separating each with a comma.

You may include as many parameters as you can fit on one line. Repeat the SET keyword for each new line.

Note: This syntax is valid only in an App Studio procedure.

Syntax: How to Use SET Parameters in a Request

Many SET commands that change system defaults can be issued from within TABLE requests. SET used in this manner is temporary, affecting only the current request.

The syntax is

ON TABLE SET parametervalue [AND parametervalue ...]



Is the system default to change.


Is an acceptable value that will replace the default value.

Note: This syntax is valid only in an App Studio report procedure.