Generating an Internal Cascading Style Sheet for HTML Reports

How to:


When you create a report in HTML format, code is generated that specifies how the report is formatted. You can set up your report to generate an internal cascading style sheet as part of this HTML code. This will:

You can generate an internal cascading style sheet and apply an external cascading style sheet in the same report request. If any formatting instructions conflict, the internal cascading style sheet should override the external cascading style sheet.

Note: In most cases, you should not specify native WebFOCUS StyleSheet attributes and external CSS classes in the same report or style sheet. For more information, see Using an External Cascading Style Sheet.

Syntax: How to Generate an Internal Cascading Style Sheet

You can have an internal cascading style sheet created as part of the HTML code that is generated for a report in HTML format. To do so:

Outside of a report request, use


Within a report request, use




Generates an internal cascading style sheet in the HTML output to control most aspects of the report appearance. ON is the default value.


Turns off the generation of an internal cascading style sheet. Instead, formatting tags are placed in each HTML table cell used to create the report.

Reference: Requirements for Internal Cascading Style Sheets

If you wish to display a report formatted via an internal cascading style sheet (CSS), you must have a web browser that supports cascading style sheets. Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 5.0 or higher, support cascading style sheets.

Note that how an internal cascading style sheet formats your report is determined entirely by your web browser support and implementation of cascading style sheets, not by WebFOCUS. Some web browsers may not fully support the latest CSS version, or may implement a CSS feature in a different way.