The following limits apply to
TABLE requests:
- There is no limit to the number of verb objects in a TABLE
request. However, an error can occur if the report output format
has a limit to the number of columns supported, the operating system
has a maximum record length that cannot fit all of the columns,
or the amount of memory needed to store the output is not available.
- Number of verb objects referenced in a MATCH request: 495
- Number of columns of report output: 1024
- Total length of all fields in the request or in a single Master
File: 256K
- Total number of sort fields (combined BY and ACROSS): 128
internal sort will be generated automatically under some circumstances,
and these have to be counted in the total. HOLD FORMAT FOCUS/XFOCUS
will add FOCLIST as a BY field in order to ensure uniqueness.
- Maximum size of the output record: 256K (FORMAT/USAGE)
- Maximum size of the output file: FOCUS partition 2GB, XFOCUS
- Maximum size of internal expression representation of a single
The internal
representation is generated in polish postfix notation, which is significantly
smaller than the entered expression. In addition, the constants
in expressions (as in DECODE or IF…THEN..ELSE conditions) are stored
outside of the expression representations, reducing the space requirement
for the expression representation itself.
- Maximum number of segments in a structure or file: 512.
means that a total of 511 JOINs can be in effect at any one given
Note: FOCUS data sources are limited to 64 segments.
The maximum number of field pairs in a join is 128.
- Maximum size of Alphanumeric fields: 4K characters ( in UTF,
this means 12K bytes)
- Maximum number of display commands in a TABLE request: 64.