- georole
Is a valid geographic role. Geographic roles can be names, postal codes, ISO (International Organization for Standardization)
codes, FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) codes, or NUTS (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics )
codes. The following is a list of supported geographic roles.
- ADDRESS_FULL. Full address.
- ADDRESS_LINE. Number and street name.
- CITY. City name.
- CONTINENT. Continent name.
- CONTINENT_ISO2. Continent ISO-3166 code.
- COUNTRY. Country name.
- COUNTRY_FIPS. Country FIPS code.
- COUNTRY_ISO2. Country ISO-3166-2 code.
- COUNTRY_ISO3. Country ISO-3166-3 code.
- GEOMETRY_AREA. Geometry area.
- GEOMETRY_LINE. Geometry line.
- GEOMETRY_POINT. Geometry point.
- LATITUDE. Latitude.
- LONGITUDE. Longitude.
- NUTS0. Country name (NUTS level 0).
- NUTS0_CC. Country code (NUTS level 0).
- NUTS1. Region name (NUTS level 1).
- NUTS1_CC. Region code (NUTS level1).
- NUTS2. Province name (NUTS level 2).
- NUTS2_CC. Province code (NUTS level 2).
- NUTS3. District name (NUTS level 3).
- NUTS3_CC. District code (NUTS level 3).
- POSTAL_CODE. Postal code.
- STATE. State name.
- STATE_FIPS. State FIPS code.
- STATE_ISO_SUB. US State ISO subdivision code.
- USSCITY. US city name.
- USCITY_FIPS. US city FIPS code.
- USCOUNTY. US county name.
- USCOUNTY_FIPS. US county FIPS code.
- USSTATE. US state name.
- USSTATE_ABBR. US state abbreviation.
- USSTATE_FIPS. US state FIPS code.
- ZIP3. US 3-digit postal code.
- ZIP5. US 5-digit postal code.