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Redefining record fields in non-FOCUS data sources is supported. This enables you to describe a field with an alternate layout.
Within the Master File, the redefined fields must be described in a separate unique segment (SEGTYPE=U) using the POSITION=fieldname and OCCURS=1 attributes.
The redefined fields can have any user-defined name.
SEGNAME = segname, SEGTYPE = U, PARENT = parentseg, OCCURS = 1, POSITION = fieldname,$
Is the name of the segment.
Is the name of the parent segment.
Is the name of the first field being redefined. Using the unique segment with redefined fields helps avoid problems with multipath reporting.
A one-to-one relationship forms between the parent record and the redefined segment.
The following example illustrates redefinition of the VSAM structure described in the COBOL file description, where the COBOL FD is:
01 ALLFIELDS 02 FLD1 PIC X(4) - this describes alpha/numeric data 02 FLD2 PIC X(4) - this describes numeric data 02 RFLD1 PIC 9(5)V99 COMP-3 REDEFINES FLD2 02 FLD3 PIC X(8) - this describes alpha/numeric data FILE = REDEF, SUFFIX = VSAM,$ SEGNAME = ONE, SEGTYPE = S0,$ GROUP = RKEY, ALIAS = KEY, USAGE = A4 ,ACTUAL = A4 ,$ FIELDNAME = FLD1,, USAGE = A4 ,ACTUAL = A4 ,$ FIELDNAME = FLD2,, USAGE = A4 ,ACTUAL = A4 ,$ FIELDNAME = FLD3,, USAGE = A8 ,ACTUAL = A8 ,$ SEGNAME = TWO, SEGTYPE = U, POSITION = FLD2,OCCURS = 1, PARENT = ONE ,$ FIELDNAME = RFLD1,, USAGE = P8.2 ,ACTUAL = Z4 ,$