Creating a Suite

To create a suite, specify the details of the suite and then add components to the suite.

A suite does not have to contain all three components—alerts, reports, and search filters. For example, you can create a suite containing only alerts; only reports; or alerts, reports, and search filters.


  1. In the navigation menu, click Management > Suites.
  2. Click the Add New button, to create a new suite.
  3. Provide the following information:
    Option Description
    Name Name of the suite
    Description Description of the suite
    Share with Other Users Identifies whether the suite can be accessible by other users
    List under Reports/Search Menu Identifies whether the reports in the suite are listed as a suite under Reports/Search navigation menus
  4. Click the Add Suite button.
  5. The main Suites page is displayed, with the new suite listed in the table.

    You can also click the Alerts, Reports, or Search Filters tabs to automatically create the suite and to go directly to adding components to your suite. You do not have to click the Add Suites button.