Theme for Rebranding LogLogic LMI

From the Administration > System Settings > General tab > Theme section, you can configure the background colors of the header bars and font color of the header text.

Changing the theme includes setting the following colors on the GUI:
Field Default value (hex) Description
Primary Header Color #0080cb Color of the title bar
Secondary Header Color #3498db Color of the breadcrumb bar
Font Header Color #aaeaff Font color of the menu items and the text in the breadcrumb bar
Note: The color of menu items changes only when you hover over the menu item.
You can change the theme immediately after upgrading or at any other time. Perform the following steps:
  1. Select the color from the color palette or type the hexadecimal value of the color.
  2. For the changes to take effect, either refresh the page, or log out and log in again.