AddressCleansing Activity

Use the AddressCleansing activity to cleanse geocode bulk records on add or update operations by using the configured GeoAnalytics service.

Consider a scenario where a customer has incoming location data into TIBCO MDM, which includes an address information. For example, any location based services where a vendor has pickup or delivery or shipping addresses or a bank has customer addresses. This data either captured manually or otherwise, might not be accurate always, and has to be entered quickly into the system without having time to correct it.

For correction of such records having address information, bulk geocoding or cleansing services can be used. For example, the incoming data includes Country=US and ZIP=10307. After the address is cleansed, the following response is returned where City and State information is also included and which is the most accurate address: City=New York, State=NY, Country=US, and ZIP=10307. Use import functionality when records are being added in large volumes.

This activity works on the input records list from the workflow, saves the modified record after geocoding, and then provides an output, that is, success or the rejected records list. You can use the RejectInvalid parameter to accept or reject the records which failed during address cleansing or validation. Use the VersionPolicy parameter for the record version correction and for avoiding creation of a new version of the records.