Modifying Configuration Outline Category


  1. Select the configuration category that you want to modify.
  2. Click the square icon next to the selected configuration category.
  3. Click the Edit option. The Edit Configurations details window is displayed.

    Modifying the Name of a configuration outline category is not possible.

  4. In the Description field, type the description for the selected configuration category.
  5. Click the Basic or Advanced visibility option.
  6. Select Set as Hidden Configuration check box if you want hide the configuration.
  7. Click Save. The successful modification message is displayed and the updated configuration is displayed.


The Cloning and deleting steps are similar to the Cluster member options.

  • For cloning the configuration outline, refer to Cloning a Cluster Member.
  • For deleting the configuration outline, refer to Deleting a Cluster Member.
    Note: The Delete option is not available for the categories that are already in use. For example, Database, Queue categories.