Incremental Purge

You can set the purge for an incremental purge to process delta since the last purge.

You can specify a date window so that the purge can be done in chunks by using the StartDate and EndDate parameters. The StartDate parameter is defined by the previous purge execution, which makes the purge incremental with only delta being processed during the purge.

Every purge job is registered in the NamedVersion table with its name and the CuttOfDate or EndDate parameter. The next execution of the same purge runs the previous CuttOfDate from the NamedVersion table and uses it as the StartDate parameter for the current job. This ensures the delta processing.

Incremental Purge is supported for the following modes:
  • history
  • historyForce
  • recordversions, recordversionsForce
  • recordversionsGoldenCopy

The following is an example of an incremental purge:

On January 1st 2017, the first purge job initiated with RetentionDays=90 and Interval=180, would have the following rough date window for the purge job:
CuttOfDate/EndDate = 01/Oct/2016
StartDate = 01/Apr/2016
This job registers 01/Oct/2016 in the NamedVersion table. The next execution for the same purge job initiated with RetentionDays=90 and Interval=180 on February 1st 2017, would have the following rough date window for the purge job:
CuttOfDate/EndDate = 01/Nov/2016
StartDate = 01/May/2016
However, with the incremental purge, this date window would be reduced to delta of just one month:
CuttOfDate/EndDate = 01/Nov/2016
StartDate = 01/Oct/2016