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Chapter 3 Adapter Infrastructure Tools : TIBCO Hawk

TIBCO Hawk monitors and manages distributed applications and systems throughout the enterprise. System administrators can monitor application parameters, behavior, and loading activities for all nodes in a local or wide-area network and take action when pre-defined conditions occur. In many cases, runtime failures or slowdowns can be repaired automatically within seconds of their discovery, reducing unscheduled outages, and slowdowns of critical business systems.
TIBCO Hawk features include:
Extensive monitoring capabilities at the operating system and application levels including process data, disk, and CPU utilization, network statistics, log, and system files
Built-in routines within other TIBCO ActiveEnterprise components allow for proactive management. Problems to be found and fixed before failure can occur.
Hawk Application Management Interface (AMI) routines can be embedded within custom adapters, allowing active management of those adapters by the Hawk micro-agent
Fault-tolerance is achieved through the independent operation of Hawk agents, which continue to perform local tasks even in the event of network failure
TIBCO Hawk consists of several components: a console display, a central repository for storage of configuration objects, agents, and microagents whose monitoring duties are defined by the rule bases.
Adapter Microagents
Each adapter includes a standard and custom microagent. The microagents provide:
Business level statistics—statistics that report the progress of the adapter as it interacts with the vendor application. For example, in a database adapter such statistics might indicate whether objects were successfully or unsuccessfully inserted, updated, or deleted in the database.
Queries that return information about the state of the adapter. This can be an important tool for seeing the internals of an adapter and debugging it if something appears wrong. For example, methods can return information about threads, internal queues, or connections to the target system. Using these methods, one might be able to identify certain bottlenecks or gauge how successfully an adapter is scaling with respect to the current environment.
Updates of the adapter runtime parameters. This includes retrieving the current runtime parameters and setting new runtime parameters without restarting the adapter. An example of this is getting and setting the polling interval. Updating a runtime parameter through the Hawk microagent only affects the setting of the instance that is running.

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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved