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Chapter 3 Adapter Infrastructure Tools : TIBCO Business Studio

TIBCO Business Studio
The TIBCO ActiveMatrix development tools consist of TIBCO Business Studio and a set of ActiveMatrix plug-ins. For introductory information on TIBCO Business Studio, refer to the Workbench User Guide in the TIBCO Business Studio online help. To view the online help, select Help > Help Contents.
Figure 5 TIBCO Business Studio Main Window
The screen contains the following area and views:
Menu   See Help > Help Contents > Workbench User Guide.
Tool bar  See Help > Help Contents > Workbench User Guide.
Project Explorer  Displays a tree containing all the project resources such as project folders, shared resource definition files, WSDL files, composite files, service assembly files, and so on.
Editor  Displays editors for the objects currently being edited. You switch between editors by clicking tabs at the top of the Editor area. The Composite Editor contains a canvas on which you can drop elements and a palette that organizes the elements that you can add to the composite. Other editors allow you to configure shared resources and service assemblies.
Outline  Provides a overview of the Composite Editor canvas. You can easily navigate from one part of a composite to another.
The Outline view also displays a content tree structure that contains the composite element inside the composite. In this view you can delete the contents of the composite. When you select a composite element in the Outline tree, the corresponding artifact in the composite becomes selected.
Views  Displays under the Editor Area. Contains the following views:
Properties  Displays property sheets for editing composites and composite elements. When you select a composite or composite element in the Composite Editor canvas, this view shows the properties of the selected object in a vertical tabbed notebook.
Problems  Displays validation and other errors.
Registries  Lists UDDI registries and the WSDL files returned from searching a registry.
You open a view by selecting Window > Show View > View.
ActiveMatrix Resource Wizard
The starting point for creating all types of ActiveMatrix projects and assets is the ActiveMatrix Resource Wizard. The resource wizard allows you to select wizards to create:
Composite Element Editors
Composite elements are configured in property sheets accessed through the Properties view.
Figure 6 shows the an example of the Properties view.
Figure 6 Component Property Sheet
The TIBCO Business Studio debugger provides a testing environment for stepping through composite elements and determining the sources of errors. Figure 7 shows the debugger in the process of debugging a sample HelloWorld composite. Breakpoints have been set before and after the Java component executes, and the debugger is stopped at the before breakpoint. In the Variables view on the top-right, the value of the request is being examined.
Figure 7 Debug
Service Assembly Editor
In order to be deployed, composites must be transformed into service units and service assemblies. Figure 8, shows a sample service assembly editor view.
Figure 8 Service Assembly Editor

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Copyright © Cloud Software Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved