SOAP API - rescheduleWorkitem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - rescheduleWorkitem.

Request Uses the rescheduleWorkItem element (from the WorkItemSchedulerService schema)
Parameter notes
  • workItemID: ID of the work item which is to be rescheduled.
  • itemSchedule (optional):
    • startDate (optional): Earliest date at which the work item can be started.

      A choice of one of the following:

    • maxDuration (optional): Duration of the work item
    • targetDate (optional): Date by which this work item must be finished
  • itemBody (optional):
    • Parameter (optional): Details of the data fields associated with this work item.

      A choice of one of the following:

    • complexValue (optional): Value(s) of the complex object. The value is of xs:anyType as it contains the entire complex object as XML.
    • value (optional): Parameter value(s) - for example, 10.
  • dynamicOrgAttributes (optional): If specified, the work item is "re-offered" to the dynamic instance of the organization model pointed to by the array of name / value pairs. If the work item is opened and allocated to a resource, and the resource still has visiblity to the work item in the new entities, the work item will remain allocated to the resource, otherwise it is re-offered.
Response Returns a rescheduleWorkItemResponse element (from the WorkItemSchedulerService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">




<workItemID id="2147483647"/>



<maxDuration months="0" minutes="0" days="1" years="0"

hours="0" weeks="0"/>



<parameter Name="Name" Array="false">

<Value>Clint Hill</Value>


<parameter Name="Cost" Array="false">






<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <rescheduleWorkItemResponse xmlns="">

         <success xmlns="">true</success>


