SOAP API - listContainers

The table summarizes the SOAP API - listContainers.

Request Uses the listContainers element (from the DirectoryService schema)
Parameter notes
  • No parameters are required for this request.
Response Returns the content of the listContainersResponse element (from the DirectoryService schema).
  • ldap-container: definition of an LDAP container, including its LDAP source(s) and any attribute mappings. Occurs once for each container found.
Example Request:



      <listContainersResponse xmlns="">

         <ldap-container active="true" description="EasyAs" id="1" last-accessed="2012-07-09T14:47:58.083Z" name="EasyAsStaff" xmlns="">

            <primary-ldap ldap-alias="easyAs" ldap-query="(objectClass=organizationalPerson)" resource-name-attributes="cn"/>


