
Gets a work list for an organization model entity.

  • The request must specify one of:
    • The GUID of the resource whose work list you want to retrieve, or
    • ALL resources. This returns a list of all work items which match the supplied sort and filter criteria, regardless of what resource the work item is allocated or offered to.

      If ALL is specified, the total count of work items is not returned.

      Note: Using the REST API, these two options are provided by using two separate operations. See REST API - getWorkListItems and REST API - getWorkListItemsAllResources .
  • The request may optionally specify sort and filter criteria according to which work items should be retrieved.
  • The response returns the work list for the specified organization model entity, or for all entities if requested. (The work list contains full details of the requested number of work items.)
Required System Action
API Descriptions