Process Instance State Transitions

Processes go through a series of state transactions.

The following diagram shows the different states that a (non-failing) process instance may be in, the possible transitions between states and the ProcessManagerService operations that can be used to trigger these transitions.

(See Handling Process Instance Failures for information about state transitions involving failing processes.)

The following table lists the ProcessManagerService operations that can be used to change the state of (non-failing) process instances:

  • Initial State is the state that a process instance must be in to allow the indicated operation to be used.
  • End State is the state to which the process instance will be transitioned on execution of the operation.

These are the only state transitions that can be performed using the BPM public API. Any state transitions not shown in this table can only occur as a result of internal operations.


Note: There are similarly-named singular and plural versions of these operations:
  • Use the singular-named version of the operation (for example, suspendProcessInstance ) to change the state of a single, specified process instance.
  • Use the plural-named version of the operation (for example, suspendProcessInstances ) to change the state of all process instances for a specified process template.