REST API - unlink

The table summarizes the REST API - unlink.


PUT <baseurl>/ref/<caseReference>/unlink/<roleName>
Path parameters
  • caseReference: The case reference of the case data you want to disassociate with other case data. For example, BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-1. You must only specify one.
  • roleName: The name of the association. For example, claim.
Query parameters caseref=string: The case reference of the case data that you want to disassociate the case data with. For example, the case references of the orders associated with a customer. You must specify at least one case reference. The maximum number that you can specify is limited by the path length. If you want to unlink lots of objects, use REST API - unlinkx.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the contents of an UnlinkCaseResponse element.
XML Returns the contents of an UnlinkCaseResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema).


PUT <baseurl>/globaldata/ref/BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-26-1/unlink/cars?caseref=BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Car-19-5&caseref=BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Car-21-5



           "caseReference": "BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-26-2",






