SOAP API - completeWorkItem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - completeWorkItem.

Request Uses the workRequest element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)
Parameter notes
  • channelID: ID of the channel to use. If it is omitted, the default channel for the specified channelType is used.
  • openNextPiled: An optional Boolean field. If work items are piled, a value of true will automatically open the next work item. For information on piled work items, see the TIBCO Business Studio Process Modeling User's Guide.
  • payloadDetails: If complexSpec business data is passed into this operation, see Valid Format for ComplexSpec Business Data for information about the valid format.
Response Returns a workResponse element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)
Example Request:

      <api:workRequest action="?">





         <workItem id="37" version="3"/>

         <workTypeDetail uid="WT__81TKQFlFEd-5Ae672m_IWw" version="" openNextPiled="true"/>

         <payloadDetails payloadMode="XML">


               <inputs array="false" name="Message" type="String">


                     <value>Please call TIB_USER at 987654321.</value>







      <workResponse isSuccessful="true" xmlns=""/>
