SOAP API - linkCase

The table summarizes the SOAP API - linkCase.

Request Uses the LinkCaseRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • sourceCaseReference: The case reference of the case data you want to associate. For example, BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-1-1. You must only specify one source case reference. You can obtain the case reference by using findCaseByCID .
  • targetCaseReference: The case reference of the case data you want to associate the source case data with. For example, BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Claim-4-0. You can specify an unlimited amount of target case references. (The association relationship must be specified as multiplicity for there to be unlimited target case references. See TIBCO Business Studio Modeling Guide for more information.)
  • targetRoleName: The name of the association. For example, claim.
Response Returns an LinkCaseResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Example Request:


<sourceCaseReference>BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Customer-16-0</sourceCaseReference> <targetCaseReference>BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Claim-19-0</targetCaseReference>	    <targetCaseReference>BDS-2-com.example.gddemo.Claim-21-0</targetCaseReference>




<LinkCaseResponse xmlns="">







