SOAP API - startBusinessService

The table summarizes the SOAP API - startBusinessService.

Request Uses the startBusinessService element (from the BusinessService schema).
Parameter notes
  • businessServiceDefinition: can be obtained from listBusinessServices . It consists of the moduleName, processName, and version of the specified business service.
  • formalParams: details of formal parameters used. You must obtain this information directly from the relevant project in TIBCO Business Studio.
  • responseFeedType: specifies the feed type expected in the response. The value can be one of XML or JSON.
  • cacheTimeout: specifies the time to wait for the specified business service to start.
Response Returns a startBusinessServiceResponse element (from the BusinessService schema)
Example Request:


         <businessServiceDefinition moduleName="/PageflowSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="RequestCall" version=""/>



      <startBusinessServiceResponse xmlns="">

         <pageResponse executionState="IN_PROGRESS" xmlns="">


               <pageFlowTemplate hasFormalParameters="false" moduleName="/PageflowSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl" processName="RequestCall" version=""/>







               <pageReference activityId="pvm:001g1o.3" activityModelId="_qTxqOlnREd-qRKl4nKSPqA" activityName="CollectData" moduleName="/PageflowSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl" moduleVersion="" processName="RequestCall"/>

               <payload payloadMode="XML">


                     <inouts array="false" name="UserName" optional="true" type="String">



                     <inouts array="false" name="PhoneNumber" optional="true" type="String">







