SOAP API - createCase

The table summarizes the SOAP API - createCase.

Request Uses the CreateCaseRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • caseType: The case type is the fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.gddemo.Customer. You can obtain this by running getCaseClassInfo .
  • caseModelVersion: The version number of the case model. For example, 2 or 2.0.0.
  • casePayload. This contains the case object to be created. Your request must be constructed to match the structure of the case data defined in your business object model. You can have as many casePayload elements as you want. See Obtaining Information From TIBCO Business Studio .
Response Returns a CreateCaseResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema).
Example Request:










<name xmlns="">John</name>


<firstLine>4 Apple Walk</firstLine>




<firstLine>My Address</firstLine>







<CreateCaseResponse xmlns="">



