REST API - copyCalendar

The table summarizes the REST API - copyCalendar.


Format POST <baseurl>/calendar/<name>/copy/<newname>
Path parameters
  • name: Name of the calendar being copied.
  • newname: Name of the new calendar.
Query parameters
  • namespace=string (optional): Namespace of the calendar being copied.
  • destnamespace = string optional): The namespace of the new calendar, if this is being changed.
  • includeentries=boolean (optional): If true, copies to the new calendar all exclusions with a future date. Defaults to false, in which case exclusions are not copied.

    Working hours are always copied.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of a copyCalendarResponse element.
XML Returns the content of a copyCalendarResponse element (from the WorkCalService schema).


POST <baseurl>/calendar/EMEA-S/copy/LISBON1

  "xml-fragment": {

    "@version": "0",

    "@namespace": " ",

    "@name": "LISBON1"

