SOAP API - closeWorkItem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - closeWorkItem.

Request Uses the closeWorkItem element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Parameter notes
  • workItemID: ID of the work item to be closed.
  • version: (Optional). If it is omitted, the latest version is used.
  • workItemPayload: the complete body of the work item: data to be written to the work item as part of the Close action.

    If complexSpec business data is passed into this operation, see Valid Format for ComplexSpec Business Data for information about the valid format.

  • hiddenPeriod: information about how long the work item is to be hidden. Either a duration for which it is to be hidden, or the date and time when it is to become visible. A hiddenPeriod of 0 cancels any current hiddenPeriod. See Accessing Hidden Work Items for more details.
Response Returns a closeWorkItemResponse element (from the WorkItemManagementService schema)
Example Request:



         <workItemID id="23"/>



               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

               <inputs name="?" type="?" optional="?" array="?">

                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->


                  <simpleSpec length="?" decimal="?">

                     <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




                  <complexSpec className="?">

                     <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

               <outputs name="?" type="?" optional="?" array="?">

                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->


                  <simpleSpec length="?" decimal="?">

                     <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




                  <complexSpec className="?">

                     <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




               <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->

               <inouts name="?" type="?" optional="?" array="?">

                  <!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->


                  <simpleSpec length="?" decimal="?">

                     <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->




                  <complexSpec className="?">

                     <!--Zero or more repetitions:-->






<!--You have a CHOICE of the next 2 items at this level-->

  <hiddenDuration years="0" months="0" weeks="0" days="2" hours="0" minutes="0"/>




<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <closeWorkItemResponse xmlns="">

         <workItemID id="23" version="4" xmlns=""/>


