SOAP API - listAttributeNames

The table summarizes the SOAP API - listAttributeNames.

Request Uses the listAttributeNames element (from the DirectoryService schema)
Parameter notes
  • ldap-alias: the alias of the LDAP entry on which the query is evaluated. LDAP Connection Shared Resources are named with the prefix ldap/de/ in order to indicate that they are intended for Directory Engine use. The alias given here is that name without the ldap/de/ prefix. Can be obtained from a previous call to listLdapConnections .
  • base-dn: the base Distinguished Name (DN) to which the query is restricted. This is relative to, and in addition to, any base DN specified in the LDAP Connection Shared Resource's URL.
  • .ldap-query: the query being evaluated.
  • sample-size: the maximum number of randomly-selected LDAP entries to be returned.
Response Returns the content of the listAttributeNamesResponse element (from the DirectoryService schema).
  • entry-count: The number of LDAP entries encountered in the search.
Example Request:

      <dir:listAttributeNames  ldap-alias="easyAs" base-dn="O=easyAsInsurance" ldap-query="(employeetype=Permanent)" sample-size="1"/>


      <listAttributeNamesResponse base-dn="O=easyAsInsurance" entry-count="6" ldap-alias="easyAs" ldap-query="(employeetype=Permanent)" xmlns="">

         <attribute binary="false" name="givenname" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="sn" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="userpassword" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="ou" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="departmentnumber" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="employeetype" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="manager" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="mail" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="carlicense" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="objectClass" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="postaladdress" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="cn" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="preferredlanguage" xmlns=""/>

         <attribute binary="false" name="employeenumber" xmlns=""/>

         <sample-entry ldap-dn="OU=Clint Hill, OU=Swindon, OU=AllEmployees, O=easyAsInsurance" xmlns="">

            <attribute binary="false" name="givenname">



            <attribute binary="false" name="sn">



            <attribute binary="true" name="userpassword">



            <attribute binary="false" name="ou">

               <value>Clint Hill</value>


            <attribute binary="false" name="departmentnumber">



            <attribute binary="false" name="employeetype">



            <attribute binary="false" name="manager">

               <value>ou=John Eustace,ou=Swindon,ou=AllEmployees,o=easyAsInsurance</value>


            <attribute binary="false" name="mail">


           <attribute binary="false" name="objectClass">






            <attribute binary="false" name="postaladdress">

               <value>48 Close Lane$Nice Business Park$SWINDON$SN4 2JP</value>


            <attribute binary="false" name="cn">

               <value>Mr Clint Hill</value>


            <attribute binary="false" name="employeenumber">




