SOAP API - saveCalendarEntry

The table summarizes the SOAP API - saveCalendarEntry.

Request Uses the saveCalendarEntry element (from the WorkCalService schema)
Parameter notes
  • namespace, name, version  identify the calendar to which the entry or entries are to be saved.
  • start, end  start and end dates of the period for which entries should be displayed in the response. Both dates must be specified, the date range cannot be open-ended. The response will show the exclusions that apply over the given start-to-end period.
  • create-working-day, update-working-day, create-recurring, update-recurring  You have a choice of entering any one of these types of calendar entry in one saveCalendarEntry operation.
  • start, end  start and end dates for this particular calendar entry. The end date is not mandatory. If the entry is a recurring one, any use of count or until in the recurrence rule overrides any end date specified here.

    If you are saving an entry to a base calendar:

    • If no timezone is specified, the default timezone of the server is assumed.
    • If the entry specifies a timezone other than UTC, it is adjusted and stored as UTC on the BPM server side.

      If you are saving an entry to an overlay calendar, it is:

    • Recorded as UTC, to prevent any API from assigning a different timezone.
    • Displayed as entered without a timezone.
    • Adjusted as if it were in the base calendar’s timezone when calculating a deadline.
  • duration  the length of each occurrence of a recurring entry. Defined as in RFC-5545.
  • rrule  the recurrence rule. This is the expression used to define a recurring calendar entry. The format of the rule is defined as in RFC-5545. See Adding Recurring Exclusions for more information on recurring exclusions.
  • guid  the unique ID of the calendar entry.
    • If you are creating a working-day entry or a recurring entry, the response returns the GUID that has been assigned to the new calendar entry.
    • If you are updating an existing entry, include the GUID of the entry in the request message to identify the correct entry. You can get the GUID from a previous call to getCalEntries .
Response Returns a saveCalendarEntryResponse element (from the WorkCalService schema).
Example 1: Create a working-day entry

      <wor:saveCalendarEntry version="1" namespace="LONDON" name="UK_PUBLIC_HOLIDAYS"  start="2012-06-01T00:00:00Z" end="2012-06-30T00:00:00Z">

         <create-working-day description="JUBILEE" all-day="true" start="2012-06-05T00:00:01Z" end="2012-06-05T23:59:59Z" free-busy="BUSY"/>



      <saveCalendarEntryResponse end="2012-06-30T00:00:00Z" name="UK_PUBLIC_HOLIDAYS" namespace="LONDON" start="2012-06-01T00:00:00Z" version="2" xmlns="">

         <working-day all-day="true" description="JUBILEE" end="2012-06-05T23:59:59.999Z" free-busy="BUSY" guid="EF42E063-765E-4750-AE82-ADC0187B2913" start="2012-06-04T00:00:00.000Z" xmlns=""/>


Example 2: Create a recurring entry

       <wor:saveCalendarEntry version="0" namespace="LONDON" name="EMEA-N" start="2012-04-01T00:00:00" end="2012-12-31T00:00:00">

         <create-recurring description="Monday morning mtg" all-day="false" start="2012-03-19T08:30:00" end="2012-03-19T09:30:00" free-busy="BUSY" duration="PT1H0M0S" rrule="FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1; BYDAY=MO"/>



      <saveCalendarEntryResponse end="2012-12-31T00:00:00" name="EMEA-N" namespace="LONDON" start="2012-02-27T00:00:00" version="1" xmlns="">

         <recurring all-day="false" description="Monday morning mtg" duration="PT1H" end="2012-03-19T09:30:00.000Z" free-busy="BUSY" guid="033B1E76-9F16-456E-85BF-D7F0A389E541" rrule="FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=FR" 
start="2012-03-19T08:30:00.000Z" xmlns="">

<occurrence end="2012-04-06T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-04-06T08:30:00.000Z"/>

<occurrence end="2012-04-13T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-04-13T08:30:00.000Z"/>

<occurrence end="2012-04-20T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-04-20T08:30:00.000Z"/>

<occurrence end="2012-04-27T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-04-27T08:30:00.000Z"/>




<occurrence end="2012-12-07T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-12-07T08:30:00.000Z"/>

<occurrence end="2012-12-14T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-12-14T08:30:00.000Z"/>

<occurrence end="2012-12-21T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-12-21T08:30:00.000Z"/>

<occurrence end="2012-12-28T09:30:00.000Z" start="2012-12-28T08:30:00.000Z"/>


