SOAP API - notifyDDLExecution

The table summarizes the SOAP API - notifyDDLExecution.

Request Uses the NotifyDDLExecutionRequest element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema).
Parameter notes
  • caseModelID. The unique identifier of the case model. This can be obtained by running getCaseModel or getCaseModelBasicInfo .
  • DatabaseScriptAction. The valid database script actions are:
    • CREATE_SCRIPT_EXECUTED. Specify this to inform the BPM runtime that the CREATE script has been executed on the database and the database schema for the case model has been generated.
    • UPDATE_SCRIPT_EXECUTED. Specify this to inform the BPM runtime that the UPDATE script has been executed on the database the database schema for the case model has been updated.
    • DROP_SCRIPT_EXECUTED. Specify this to inform the BPM runtime that the DROP script has been executed on the database and the database schema for the case model has been dropped.
    • FREEZE_CASE_DATA_MODEL. Specify this if you want to freeze the case model so that no further changes can be made to them.
    • UNFREEZE_CASE_DATA_MODEL. Specify this if you want to unfreeze the case model because you want to make some changes.
    • CLEANUP_COMPLETE. Specify this if you have had an issue with the database schema which is now resolved.

      The case model must be in the correct state for the database script action you want to perform. See Retrieving Case Model Database Scripts for more information.

  • skipValidation (optional, default=false). Set to true if you do not want TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM to check that the script action has been executed.
  • userOperation (optional). Set to true if the operation was performed by a user. If it is unset, TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM assumes it is a user operation.
  • username (optional). The name of the user who performed the action. For example, tibco-admin.
  • comment (optional). Description of why the operation was performed. (Maximum length is 400 characters).
  • timeOfOperation (optional). When the operation was conducted. If this is not set when performing an operation, the current time is recorded.
Response Returns a NotifyDDLExecutionResponse element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema)
Example Request:







<comment>1.2 release</comment>





      <NotifyDDLExecutionResponse xmlns=""/>
