REST API - setResourceOrderFilterCriteria

The table summarizes the REST API - setResourceOrderFilterCriteria.


PUT <baseurl>/worklist/resourceorderfilter/<resourceid>
Path parameters resourceid: ID of the resource for whom work item list sort/filter criteria is required.
Query parameters
  • filterstring=string (optional). Specification of filter criteria to be applied to a work item list.
  • orderstring=string (optional). Specification of sort criteria to be applied to a work item list.
  • apiversion=version (optional, default = 1): Defines the format in which the operation returns its response. If version is:
    • < 2, the response is returned as an unwrapped primitive.
    • 2, the response data is wrapped as an XML fragment.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the setResourceOrderFilterCriteriaResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the setResourceOrderFilterCriteriaResponse element (from the WorkListService schema)


PUT <baseurl>/worklist/resourceorderfilter/tibco-admin?filterstring=2011-05-23,2012-07-23&orderstring-startDate%20DESC

    "success": true
