SOAP API - executeQuery

The table summarizes the SOAP API - executeQuery.

Request Uses the executeQuery element (from the ResourceQueryService schema)
Parameter notes
  • model-version: Used to restrict the organization model entities (organization units, positions, groups, etc.) that are considered in the evaluation of the query. Can be obtained from listModelVersions .
  • master-reset: Pass "true" to get one resource, chosen at random from the query result. Defaults to "false".
  • query: Must conform to Resource Query Language (RQL) syntax rules. See Appendix D - Resource Query Language of the TIBCO Business Studio BPM Implementation guide.
Response Returns an executeQueryResponse element (from the ResourceQueryService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:res="">



      <res:executeQuery model-version="-1" singleRandomResult="false">




<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <executeQueryResponse xmlns="">

         <resource guid="846D100C-77C8-42DE-BD01-C23D214D2BB4" name="Liam Lawrence" push-enabled="false" xmlns=""/>

         <resource guid="3D9296E1-B1F8-4A09-A219-0285D43B3498" name="Tony Pulis" push-enabled="false" xmlns=""/>

         <resource guid="931F96FA-EC57-43B5-AA61-613784B1BD10" name="Leon Court" push-enabled="false" xmlns=""/>

         <resource guid="9DDA518C-3323-4656-B730-9C186E4ADC01" name="John Eustace" push-enabled="false" xmlns=""/>

         <resource guid="6C7C4DED-A214-4D00-839A-0DAA33FF64A4" name="Steve Simonsen" push-enabled="false" xmlns=""/>


