SOAP API - resolveReferences

The table summarizes the SOAP API - resolveReferences.

Request Uses the resolveReferences element (from the WorkCalService schema)
Parameter notes
  • reference  contains the GUIDs of the calendar references to be resolved, one reference per repetition of the parameter.
Response Returns a resolveReferencesResponse element (from the WorkCalService schema).
Example Request:



         <reference>6E070A86-699L-32DE-8828-9889ACQTRB82</reference>      </wor:resolveReferences>


   <resolveReferencesResponse xmlns="">

      <reference reference-guid="4F103A69-430B-49DE-8828-9889ACBBBB61" xmlns=""/>

      <reference reference-guid="4E070A86-699L-32DE-8828-9889ACQTRB82" xmlns=""/>

