SOAP API - getViewsForResource

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getViewsForResource.

Request Uses the getViewsForResource element (from the WorkListService schema)
Parameter notes
  • startPosition: the position in the list of work views from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
  • numberOfItems: the number of work views to include.
  • apiVersion: the version of the work list view definition to be returned. Either:
    • 2, to return a work list view that includes the getAllocatedItems attribute and resourcesRequired parameter, or
    • 1, to return a work list view that omits the getAllocatedItems attribute and resourcesRequired parameter. (You should use this value to maintain compatibility with work list views created in pre-2.2 versions of BPM.) This is the default behavior if apiVersion is not specified.
Response Returns a getPublicWorkListViewsResponse element (from the WorkListService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">



      <api:getViewsForResource startPosition="0" numberOfItems="9"/>


<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <getViewsForResourceResponse xmlns="">

         <workListViews creationDate="2012-08-20T08:40:02.310Z" description="Work items received today" modificationDate="2012-08-20T08:52:25.543Z" name="Today's Work" owner="tibco-admin" public="false" workViewID="2" xmlns="">





         <workListViews creationDate="2012-08-22T10:36:07.813Z" description="" modificationDate="2012-08-22T10:36:07.813Z" name="test" owner="tibco-admin" public="false" workViewID="4" xmlns=""/>

         <workListViews creationDate="2012-08-22T10:48:38.657Z" description="This is a test" modificationDate="2012-08-22T13:23:50.210Z" name="Test" owner="tibco-admin" public="true" workViewID="5" xmlns=""/>

         <workListViews creationDate="2012-08-22T16:24:19.257Z" description="" modificationDate="2012-08-22T16:24:19.257Z" name="test2" owner="tibco-admin" public="false" workViewID="6" xmlns=""/>


