SOAP API - findCaseByCriteria

The table summarizes the SOAP API - findCaseByCriteria.

Request Uses the FindCaseByCriteriaRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • caseType: The case type is the fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.gddemo.Car. You can obtain class names by using getCaseClassInfo.
  • caseModelVersion: The version of the case model. For example, 2 or 2.0.0.
  • criteria.
    • queryString. This contains the specified criteria that the case data must match. For valid syntax, see TIBCO Business Data Services Guide.

      You can optionally specify:

    • Named parameter assignments. Allows values to be supplied for any conditions that you assigned parameter names to.
    • name. The name of the parameter.
    • value. The value you want the case data to match. There can be multiple values for some operators (BETWEEN, IN and so on).
    • Pagination options.
    • startPosition. The position in the list of case references from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
    • maxResults. The number of items to include. -1 returns unlimited results.

      The FindCaseByCriteriaResponse includes a hasMoreResults parameter. If you have not configured any pagination options, then hasMoreResults returns false. This means all the results have been returned. If you have set pagination options then maxResults returns true and you know that there are more results to return, if required.

Response Returns a FindCaseByCriteriaResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Example Request:





<queryString>engine.model = :model order by vehicleID













<FindCaseByCriteriaResponse xmlns="">





<hasMoreResults xmlns="">false</hasMoreResults>

