SOAP API - calcDeadline

The table summarizes the SOAP API - calcDeadline.

Request Uses the calcDeadline element (from the BusinessDeadlineService schema)
Parameter notes
  • start-date-time  the date and time when the task begins, specified as UTC.
  • duration  the duration of the task, defined as in RFC-5545. A duration that does not include a time element — hours, minutes, or seconds — is assumed to be in working days. See Duration Definitions .
  • calendar-lookup  there may be any number of calendar-lookup entries, and each of them contains a calendar-ref and optionally an org-model entity.
    • calendar-ref  a calendar reference. See resolveReferences for details.
    • org-model entity  Information to identify an organizational entity. These are used to determine what base and overlay calendars should be used in the calculation.
Response Returns a calcDeadlineResponse element (from the BusinessDeadlineService schema).
  • end-date-time  the date and time when the task should end, specified as UTC.
Example Request:

      <dead:calcDeadline start-date-time="2012-06-15T09:47:28.280Z" duration="PT3H">



            <org-model-entity model-version="1" entity-type="POSITION" guid="_XMpnYGovEd-zJ4pNELfHFw"/>





      <calcDeadlineResponse end-date-time="2012-06-15T12:47:28.280Z" xmlns=""/>
