SOAP API - openNextWorkItem

The table summarizes the SOAP API - openNextWorkItem.

Request Uses the baseRequest element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)
Parameter notes
  • resourceId: The GUID of the resource for whom the next work item from the work queue is to be opened.
  • channelID: ID of the channel to use. If it is omitted, the default channel for the specified channelType is used.
  • responsePayloadMode: mode in which the response payload must be returned. The payload mode can be either XML or JSON.
  • workListViewID (Optional): the ID of the work list view associated with this work item. This is used to determine the work item to open next. To use the default work view, use -1.
Response Returns a workResponse element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)
Example Request:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:api="">



      <api:baseRequest action="OPEN_NEXT">










<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="">



      <workResponse xmlns="">

         <payloadModel payloadMode="XML" xmlns="">


               <inputs array="false" name="Message" type="String">


                     <value>Please call John at 3.45.</value>





         <workTypeDetail pilingLimit="0" typePiled="false" uid="WT__UXUNYCIYEeCnP8eZZTCDGg" version="" xmlns=""/>

         <presentation activityName="DisplayMessage" formIdenitifier="" type="GWT_FORM" version="" xmlns=""/>

         <workItem id="6" version="1" xmlns=""/>


