REST API - findResources - by entity

The table summarizes the REST API - findResources.


GET <baseurl>/orgresource/<entityguid>/<version>
Path parameters
  • entityguid: The unique identifier of an organizational entity. The method returns all resources associated with the specified organizational entity. Can be obtained using deleteResource .
  • version: The major version of the organization model in which the specified entity can be found. A value of -1 will use the highest major version.
Query parameters
  • deep=boolean (optional, default = false): Specifies whether the search for resources should extend to logical associations (true). This only applies to groups (where sub-groups will also be included) and locations (where associations by positions, organization units, and organizations will be included). For other entity types, this parameter is ignored.
  • current=boolean (optional, default = false): Indicates whether only resources currently associated with the identified entities are to be include (true). If false, any date ranges applied to the resource or its associations are ignored.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the findResourcesResponse element.
XML Returns the content of the findResourcesResponse element (from the OrgResourceService schema).


GET <baseurl>/orgresource/find/_uumWECUuEeKEDc1k4SgbXg/2



           "@model-version": "2",




                   "@guid": "61E1571D-B8D5-432A-9E73-D266F6B69EE7",

                   "@name": "Clint Hill",

                   "@label": "New Label Name"



                   "@guid": "856D5AFA-59A3-4EC6-96A8-915049A95A37",

                   "@name": "John Eustace",

                   "@label": "John Eustace"



                   "@guid": "A4AE84F2-893A-4E39-8FE4-A8981872538E",

                   "@name": "Jon Parkin",

                   "@label": "Jon Parkin"



