SOAP API - getCaseReferencesForDataView

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getCaseReferencesForDataView.

Request Uses the GetCaseReferencesForDataViewRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter notes
  • caseClass: The fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.gddemo.Car. You can obtain class names by using getCaseClassInfo .
  • caseModelVersion: The version of the case model. For example, 2 or 2.0.0.
  • name. The name of your dataview. This must be unique. If you do not know the dataview name, you can use wild cards to search for it. See Using Wildcards to Search for Dataviews .
  • description (optional): A description of your dataview.
  • condition. See Defining Dataview Conditions .
  • namedParameterAssignment (optional). If you assigned a name to your condition, you can specify a different value from the currently specified value in the dataview. If you specify a named parameter but do not give a value, the value from the dataview applies. If there is no value in the dataview, then the request fails.
    • name. The name of the parameter that you assigned when you created the view using createDataView .
    • value. The value of the parameter you want to search for. If blank, the value from the dataview applies.
  • sortAttribute. Specifies the sort order of the attribute.
    • attrPath. Specifies the path to the attribute to sort.
    • sort. Specifies the sort order, either ASC for ascending or DESC for descending.
  • paginationOptions. Specifies the pagination options.
    • start (optional). The position in the list of case references from which to start the page of results. The list is zero-based. To start at the first item, specify 0.
    • maxResults (optional). The number of items to include.
Response Returns a GetCaseReferencesForDataViewResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema). Lists the case references resolved by the search query in the dataview.
Example Request:













<hasMoreResults xmlns="">false</hasMoreResults>

