
Retrieves the associated input and output data and opens the work item form.

Note: Note that there is an openWorkItem operation in two services:
  • WorkPresentationService (the one described here) - Use this one if the user task was designed to either open a form or start a pageflow, which is typical for most client applications.
  • WorkItemManagementService - Use this one if the user task was designed to not open a form nor start a pageflow. This would typically be used only in special use-case client applications—see openWorkItem .
  • The request must specify the resource ID and the work item ID that is to be opened.
  • The response returns the complete details of the work item that is opened, as well as the pageflow details if the user task was designed to start a pageflow.

For additional information, see Introduction to Work Items.

Required System Action
API Descriptions