REST API - purgeCalendarEntries

The table summarizes the REST API - purgeCalendarEntries.


Format DELETE <baseurl>/calendar/<name>/<version>/entry/<todate>
Path parameters
  • name: Name of the calendar to which the entry is being added.
  • version: Version number of the calendar; used to detect concurrent updates to the same calendar.
  • todate: The date up to which all entries in the affected calendar(s) are to be deleted.
Query parameters namespace=string (optional): The combination of namespace and name uniquely identifies a calendar. Note that the default SYSTEM calendar has no namespace.


JSON Returns a 200 OK response header with an empty response body.
XML Returns a 200 OK response header with an empty response body.


DELETE <baseurl>/calendar/LONDON01/8/entry/2010-01-03T12:00:00?namespace=LONDON