SOAP API - getCaseClassInfo

The table summarizes the SOAP API - getCaseClassInfo.

Request Uses the GetCaseClassInfoRequest element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema)
Parameter Notes The request must specify either:
  • name. The name of the application that generated the case model.
  • majorVersion. The major version number of the application.

    You can get this information by running getCaseModelBasicInfo.


  • caseModelID. The case model ID can be obtained by running getCaseModel or getCaseModelBasicInfo.
  • caseClass (optional). Whether you specify name and majorVersion or caseModelID, you can also specify caseClass. If you know the case class whose attributes you want to return, then you can specify the fully qualified name of the case class. For example, com.example.claimbom.Claim. Leave this blank if you want all the case classes for case model to be returned. You can specify as many case classes as you want.
Response Returns a GetCaseClassInfoResponse element (from the BusinessDataServicesAdminService schema).
  • path. The information given is:
    • An attribute of the case class. For example, for a case class of order, an attribute orderId.
    • A composition relationship of the case class. For example, dispatchNote or orderLines.
    • if the path is dot-separated, it means the path to an attribute within a contained/associated global object. For example, dispatchNote.dateOfDispatch or orderLines.quantity. The inclusion of [] after a dot-separated segment of the path indicates there may be many of these.
  • type. The business object model type of the attribute. For example, ATTR_TEXT for an attribute of business object model type Text, or OBJECT if the attribute is a reference to a global object. The possible types are:
    • ATTR_TEXT. Text.
    • ATTR_ID. The unique identifier of the business object model.
    • ATTR_URI. A uniform resource identifier
    • ATTR_DATE. Date.
    • ATTR_TIME. Time.
    • ATTR_DATETIME. Date and time.
    • ATTR_DATETIMETZ. Date, time and timezone.
    • ATTR_DURATION. Duration.
    • ATTR_INTEGER. Integer
    • ATTR_DECIMAL. Decimal.
    • ATTR_BOOLEAN. Boolean.
    • ATTR_ENUM. The possible values are given in the enumLiteral element.
    • OBJECT. A reference to a contained global object.

      See TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide for a description of business object model types.

  • enumLiteral. if the attribute is of ATTR_ENUM type, an enumLiteral element is included for each possible value.
Example Request:








      <GetCaseClassInfoResponse xmlns="">

         <caseClassInfo xmlns="">














