SOAP API - updateCase

The table summarizes the SOAP API - updateCase.

Request Uses the UpdateCaseRequest element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Parameter Notes
  • caseReference. The reference to the version of the case object that was returned by the readCase method. It is important that the case reference returned by the readCase method is used so that the optimistic locking works correctly.
  • casePayload. This contains the case objects to be updated. Your request must be constructed to match the structure of the case data defined in your business object model. There can be multiple caseData elements in the request. See Obtaining Information From TIBCO Business Studio .
Response Returns a UpdateCaseResponse element (from the BusinessDataServices schema)
Example Request:












<firstLine>Updated Address Line</firstLine>




<firstLine>Updated Address Line</firstLine>






</api:UpdateCaseRequest> </soapenv:Body>

<UpdateCaseResponse xmlns="">



