Sort Filter Criteria

This topic provides a table that describes the criteria that can be used to filter and/or sort work items in a user’s work list.

Field ID in API Name Type Operators Usage Description
1 id Numeric = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. ID of the work item.

Can be any number specified with or without a decimal point.

2 name String = 
<= Filter expressions only.

Cannot be used in sort expressions.

The name of the work item.

Can be any text. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

3 description String = 
<= Filter expressions only.

Cannot be used in sort expressions.

Description of the work item.

Can be any text. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

4 priority Numeric = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. Priority of the work item.

Can be any number, with or without a decimal point.

5 startDate Date/
Time = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. Earliest date at which the work item can be started.

See Using Date Time Fields for details of the format.

6 endDate Date/
Time = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. Date by which the work item should be completed.

See Using Date Time Fields for details of the format.

7 distributionStrategy Enum (Dist. strategy) = 
<> Sort and filter expressions. Whether the item was offered or allocated when it was scheduled. Must be either ALLOCATED or OFFERED.
8 visible Boolean = 
<> Filter expressions only.

Cannot be used in sort expressions.

Whether or not the item is currently visible.

Must be either TRUE or FALSE.

9 state Enum (State) = 
<> Filter expressions only.

Cannot be used in sort expressions.

Current state of the work item.

Must be one of:

10 appInstance String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The id of the application instance that created the work item.

Can be any text. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

11 appName String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The name of the application instance that created the work item.

Can be any text. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

12 appInstance
Description String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The description of the application instance that created the work item.

Can be any text. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

13 attribute1 Numeric (Integer) = 
<= Sort and filter expressions The integer value of the first custom work item attribute defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Must be an integer.

14-16 attribute2 - attribute4 String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the second to fourth custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Can be any text up to a maximum of 64 characters. Longer strings will be truncated to 64. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

17 attribute5 Numeric = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The decimal value of the fifth custom work item attribute defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Must be a Decimal.

In filter expressions, you can specify values in exponential notation. For example:


18-19 attribute6 - attribute7 Date/
Time = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the sixth to seventh custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

See Using Date Time Fields for details of the format.

20-27 attribute8 - attribute14 String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the eighth to fourteenth custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Can be any text up to a maximum of 20 characters. Longer strings will be truncated to 20. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

28 attribute15 Numeric (Integer) = 
<= Sort and filter expressions The integer value of the fifteenth custom work item attribute defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Must be an integer.

29-31 attribute16-attribute18 Numeric = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The decimal value of the sixteenth to eighteenth custom work item attribute defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Must be a Decimal.

In filter expressions, you can specify values in exponential notation. For example:


32-33 attribute19-attribute20 Date/
Time = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the nineteenth to twentieth custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

See Using Date Time Fields for details of the format.

34-39 attribute21-attribute26 String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the twenty-first to twenty-sixth custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Can be any text up to a maximum of 20 characters. Longer strings will be truncated to 20. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

40-51 attribute27-attribute38 String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the twenty-first to twenty-sixth custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Can be any text up to a maximum of 64 characters. Longer strings will be truncated to 64. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

51-52 attribute39-attribute40 String = 
<= Sort and filter expressions. The value of the thirthy-ninth to fortieth custom work item attributes defined. See Using Work Item Attribute Fields .

Can be any text up to a maximum of 255 characters. Longer strings will be truncated to 255. Wildcards are specified using ? and *, single and multiple character matching.

Note: You can also use the syntax Attributex = NULL/Empty or Attributex != Null/Empty in query strings .