REST API - saveCalendarEntry Create a Working Day Exclusion

The table summarizes the REST API - saveCalendarEntry: Create a Working Day Exclusion.


Format POST <baseurl>/<name>/<version>/entry/<description>/<startdate>
Path parameters
  • name: Name of the calendar to which the entry is being added.
  • version: Version number of the calendar; used to detect concurrent updates to the same calendar.
  • description: a description of the new entry.
  • startdate: The date and time when the new calendar entry starts.
  • responsestartdate, responseenddate: Start and end date-times within which entries should be included in the response.
Query parameters
  • namespace=string (optional): The combination of namespace and name uniquely identifies a calendar. Note that the default SYSTEM calendar has no namespace.
  • enddate=datetime (optional). The date and time when the new calendar entry ends. If not specified, the entry will be never-ending.
  • allday=boolean (optional): Whether the exclusion lasts the whole day. Defaults to false.
  • freebusy=enumeration (optional): Whether this exclusion denotes available working time (FREE) or unavailable working time (BUSY). Defaults to BUSY.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of The content of a working-day element.
XML Returns the content of a working-day element (from the WorkCalService schema).


POST <baseurl>/calendar/EMEA-S/1/entry/Christmas/2013-12-25T00:00:00Z/2013-12-01T00:00:00Z/2013-12-31T00:00:00Z?namespace=LONDON&enddate=2013-12-25T23:59:59Z&allday=true



           "@version": "2",

           "@namespace": "LONDON",

           "@name": "EMEA-S",

           "@start": "2013-12-01T00:00:00Z",

           "@end": "2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",



               "@guid": "A6FD723A-A327-4C29-983D-2447B9083B94",

               "@description": "Christmas",

               "@start": "2013-12-25T00:00:00.000Z",

               "@end": "2013-12-25T23:59:59.990Z",

               "@all-day": "true",

               "@free-busy": "BUSY"


