SOAP API - copyCalendar

The table summarizes the SOAP API - copyCalendar.

Request Uses the copyCalendar element (from the WorkCalService schema)
Parameter notes
  • namespace, name  identify the calendar to be copied.
  • dest-namespace, dest-name  identify the new calendar.
  • include-entries=boolean (optional): If true, copies to the new calendar all exclusions with a future date. Defaults to false, in which case exclusions are not copied.

    Working hours are always copied.

  • The response includes the details of the new calendar, with a version number.
Response Returns a copyCalendarResponse element (from the WorkCalService schema).
Example Request:

     <wor:copyCalendar namespace="LONDON" name="EMEA-N" dest-namespace="LISBON" dest-name="LISBOA_1" include-entries="false"/>


      <copyCalendarResponse name="LISBOA_1" namespace="LISBON" version="0" xmlns=""/>
