REST API - openNextWorkItem

The table summarizes the REST API - openNextWorkItem.


POST <baseurl>/workitem/presentation/open/next/<userid>
Path parameters userid: GUID of the resource that wants to open the work item.
Query parameters
  • channelid=string (optional, default=openspaceGWTPull_DefaultChannel): Identifier of the channel to which the requesting client application is bound.
  • channeltype=string (optional, default=openspaceChannel): Enumerated value defining the channel type (technology) associated with the specified channelid. For a list of available enumerations, see channeltype enumerations.

    See Identifying the Client Channel in a Service Call for more information.

  • responsetype=string (optional, default = JSON): Enumerated value defining the format of the data payload to be used in the response message - either XML or JSON.
  • worklistviewid=long (optional, default = -1): Identifier of the work list view associated with this work item, used to determine which work item to retrieve.
  • getGlobalValues=boolean (optional, default=false) If you require the values or just the goref itself.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the contents of a workResponse element.
XML Returns a workResponse element (from the WorkPresentationService schema)


POST <baseurl>/workitem/presentation/open/next/812935E2-06D5-4504-8621-6E5B901702C4

    "xml-fragment": {

        "payloadModel": {

            "@payloadMode": "JSON",

            "serializedPayload": "{items:[{\"$param\":\"UserName\",\"$value\":[\"Jan Vorenson\"],\"type\":\"String\",\"mode\":\"IN\"},{\"$param\":\"PhoneNumber\",\"$value\":[\"678\"],\"type\":\"String\",\"mode\":\"IN\"},{\"$param\":\"Message\",\"$value\":[\"Please call Jan Vorenson at 678.\"],\"type\":\"String\",\"mode\":\"INOUT\"}]}"


        "workTypeDetail": {

            "@uid": "WT__UXUNYCIYEeCnP8eZZTCDGg",

            "@version": "",

            "@typePiled": "false",

            "@pilingLimit": "0",

            "dataModel": {

                "inputs": [


                        "@name": "UserName",

                        "@type": "String",






        "presentation": {

            "@type": "FORM"


        "workItem": {

            "@id": "57",

            "@version": "1"


        "pageFlowDetail": {

            "@moduleName": "/WelcomeUsersImplementSolution/Process Packages/ProcessPackage.xpdl",

            "@moduleVersion": "",

            "@name": "GetInfoFromCustomer",

            "@url": "WelcomeUsersImplementSolution/.bpm/.processOut/pageflow/ProcessPackage.xpdl/GetInfoFromCustomer.bpel",

            "@id": "_djDv4Eq5EeK_uIrE8tUWGA",

            "page-activity": [


                    "@id": "_eYLaAEq5EeK_uIrE8tUWGA",

                    "@name": "Basicinfo",

                    "page-reference": {

                        "@guid": "",

                        "@name": "Basicinfo.gwt.json",



